Town-Wide Fall Chipping Begins Monday, October 14th

Please have your brush/ limbs by the road for collection before October 14th. Once our contractor comes through your neighborhood, they will not return.
Guidelines for collection: The Limb/Branch Removal Service is only available for brush cut by homeowners. This service is not for contractors, landscapers or anyone doing major lot clearing. Any pile exceeding 20 feet long and 4 feet high will be considered major lot clearing. Contractors and landscapers are responsible for their own brush removal! Piles of brush should be placed within 10 feet of the roadside in front of your property only. Do not stack near utilities or fire hydrants. Individual limbs can be up to 6 feet long with a maximum limb diameter of 4 inches. The width across the branches of a single limb cannot exceed 3 feet.

Acceptable brush consists of limbs, branches, and vines. Non-Acceptable Brush: stumps, leaves, pine straw, pine needles, grass clippings, lumber, roots, metal, trash, glass, string, concrete, rocks, etc.