In partnership with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, the Town of Kitty Hawk is dedicated to providing residents and visitors with information on how to safely and respectfully coexist with the diverse wildlife that inhabits our region. Here you will find a collection of questions and answers addressing common concerns about local wildlife, tips for minimizing human-wildlife conflicts, and guidance on foster a harmonious coexistence with nature. These resources are here to help you navigate interactions responsibly and compassionately.
Q: I saw a nocturnal animal out during the day. Does it have rabies?
A: It’s unlikely. Nocturnal animals can be awake during the day for many reasons, such as being disturbed or just looking for a “midday snack”. Wildlife that live in towns or neighborhoods often become comfortable around people, and may not immediately run away.
Q: What are common signs of illness, such as rabies, in wildlife?
A: Unprovoked aggression, appearing drunk or confused, inability to maintain balance, fur loss or low body weight.
Q: Will the Wildlife Resources Commission remove a wild animal that is acting unusual?
A: NCWRC does not provide any trapping or wildlife removal services. If a person or pet has come into direct contact with a potentially rabid animal, contact Dare County Health and Human Services at 252-475-5080 to report a potential rabies exposure.
Q: How can I protect my pet from wildlife?
A: The best way to protect pets is by closely supervising while outside and keep dogs on a leash. Toy breeds are especially vulnerable and should never be left outside without supervision. Cats also should not be allowed to roam freely outside.
Q: What should I do if I find injured wildlife?
A: Be extremely cautious when approaching potentially injured wildlife. You can find a licensed wildlife rehabilitator at
The NCWRC can be contacted via email at
The Wildlife Helpline is open Monday through Friday 8 am to 5pm
Call 1-866-318-2401
Click below for information on co-existing with different types of wildlife in Kitty Hawk.
Coexisting with Coyotes
Coexisting with Foxes
Coexisting with Squirrels