ADA Transition Plan

The Town of Kitty Hawk, pursuant to Title II of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990, seeks public comment on its ADA -Transition Plan for Town facilities.

The Town of Kitty Hawk  does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to, access to or operation of its programs, services or activities. Program applicants, participants, members of the general public, employees and job applicants will not be discriminated against on the basis of disability in their participation in Town programs, activities and services. All Town boards, committees and departments that run programs or activities or that provide services to the public are required to ensure compliance with ADA. Compliance may require the Town to provide a reasonable accommodation to the individual, unless it would impose an undue hardship on the Town.

Click here to view the ADA Transition Plan.   Due to current face-to-face  contact limitations, please email your comments and questions to Willie Midgett, Director of Public Works at .  The public comment ends at close of business on April 17, 2020.