Planning Projects

North Carolina Resilient Communities Program

The Resilient Coastal Communities Program originated from the North Carolina Climate Risk Assessment & Resilience Plan and was developed by the NC Division of Coastal Management in partnership with the NC Office of Recovery and Resilience, the Nature Conservancy, and NC Sea Grant. Leveraging federal and state funding from Hurricane Florence, the program was created as a framework for local governments in the 20 coastal CAMA counties to develop strategies for dealing with coastal and climate hazards.


Program Phases

The program framework is divided into four phases:

What is Resilience?

Resilience simply refers to the ability of a community or system to withstand or “bounce back” from an impact. Here, we’re focusing on climate and coastal resilience, specifically looking at risks to our community from flooding, storm events, and sea level rise. We will be using a triple-bottom-line approach that highlights the social, environmental, and economic impact of these increasing hazards.

Community Action Team

The Community Action Team is a multi-disciplinary team that includes Kitty Hawk residents and/or locals with expertise in planning, and community development, natural resource management, climate resilience, hazard mitigation, utility management, engineering, emergency management, and public safety.  The Community Action Team assists in providing local expertise and targeted input to champion the overall effort.

Community Action Team

Rob Testerman- Community Action Team Champion/ Director of Planning and Inspections

Craig Merrill- Planning Board Member

David Morton- Retired building inspector

Carlos Gomez- Civil Engineer

Amy Wells – Involved local resident

Willie Midgett – Director of Public Works

Mike Talley- Fire Chief

Jimmy Helms- Police Lieutenant

John Delucia- Town Engineer

Pete Mantz- Parks and Recreation Committee member

Paul Henriques- Parks and Recreation Committee member

Kasen Wally- Division of Coastal Management

Mackenzie Todd- Division of Coastal Management


Link to RCCP handbook: Coastal Communities Planning Handbook_7.20.2023.indd (


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 Planning Department Contact Info

Kitty Hawk Town Hall Planning Department
101 Veterans Memorial Drive, P.O. Box 549
Kitty Hawk, NC 27949
Phone: (252) 261-3552
